GCCS is Hiring an Early Childhood Coordinator! For more information or to apply click on the link below.
Hey all of you Tweeters! You can now follow Grants Cibola County Schools on Twitter at https://twitter.com/gccsgrants
As we wrap up the 2nd Qtr and 1st Semester, we at Central Office want to extend a very heartfelt Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to all of our Staff & Students! THANK YOU for making ours the best district in NM! Have a Great Winter Break! See you all next year!!!
Attention GCCS Community! Please see the attached letter from Grants Cibola County Schools Superintendent, Max Perez.
Attention GCCS Community! If you haven't yet downloaded our new Mobile App you can now do so at the following links!
Android Devices - https://bit.ly/3EqsJ8N
Apple Devices - https://apple.co/3nElIu9
Stay up to date with everything GCCS on Mobile Devices!
Attention GCCS Community
The December School Board Meeting has been scheduled.
Attention GCCS Community! Have you visited our new Website and Mobile Apps? We encourage you to do so today at www.gccs.k12.nm.us
Also, don't forget to download our new Mobile app on your Apple or Android devices and keep up to date with everything GCCS!
Reminder: GCCS Community, there is a Strategic Plan and CTE Parent Input Meeting on 12/2 at 5:00 p.m. Your input is important to us! Please click on the link below if you would like to attend.
Attention GCCS Community, there is a Strategic Plan and CTE Parent Input Meeting on 12/2 at 5:00 p.m. Your input is important to us! Please click on the link below if you would like to attend.
The new GCCS Mobile App is here! You can download it from your Apple App Store or from your Google Play Store! Get it now and stay up to date with your students school information such as Sports Schedules and Results as well as Breakfast and Lunch Menus and any important announcements that may be coming your way! Check it out today!!!
Attention GCCS Community! It's here! The new GCCS Mobile App is now Live! Keep up with everything GCCS! You can find it in your Mobile store by searcning for Grants Cibola County Schools and download now!!!
To all of those that served. From all of us at GCCS. We would like to say Thank You! Thank you for all you did for each of us and for our country! We hope you have Great Veterans Day! You are truly our hero's and deserve to be recognized and honored on this day!
Attention GCCS Community. The next School Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 16th.
**Posted By the District Office
Attention GCCS Community! Please take a look at the attached memo from our attendance department! Attendance is a vital piece of your child education!
To all of those that served. From all of us at GCCS. We would like to say Thank You! Thank you for all you did for each of us and for our country! We hope you have Great Veterans Day! You are truly our hero's and deserve to be recognized and honored on this day!
ATTENTION! Please read the attached letter from School Board President, Ron Ortiz as it will clear up any misinformation regarding the special school board meeting on Tuesday, the 9th of November.
To everyone at Los Alamitos Middle School for Winning the Overall Quarter 1 Attendance Championship for Grants Cibola County Schools!!! Keep up the Great Work!!!
ATTENTION! There will be a Special Board Meeting on November 9, 2021.
Attention GCCS Staff! Please see the memo from Superintendent, Max Perez!